Youth & Family Services

Programs and Services

  • Youth & Family Services Access
  • Child Abuse and Neglect Initial Assessment
  • Foster Care Licensing
  • Kinship Care
  • Youth Independent Living Services

Child Abuse and Neglect Ongoing Services

  • Juvenile Intake & Ongoing Services
  • Children's Long Term Support Services
  • Family Support Program
  • Coordinated Services Team Project

Child Protective Services

How to report child abuse and/ or neglect: to report abuse and neglect, Monday-Friday from 8:00AM-4:30 PM, call the Barron County Department of Health & Human Services, 715-537-5691. Evenings and weekends call Barron County Sheriff's Department, 715-537-3106.

Child Protective Services-Ongoing (Chapter 48)

The paramount goal of ongoing child protective services is:
  • To protect children and unborn children
  • Preserve the unity of the family
  • Strengthen the family through providing assistance and service to allow parents to fulfill their responsibilities

Coordinated Services Team Initiative (CST)

The Coordinated Services Team initiative is a grant funded project. CST of Barron County strives to keep children and families with multiple needs in their communities (home, school, and work) through the establishment of a comprehensive, coordinated, community-based system of care centered on the child and family.

Family Support

The Family Support Program provides services and supports the families that have children with severe disabilities (physical, developmental, and/or emotional).

Foster Care

Foster Care provides temporary 24 hour care in safe and nurturing homes for children who are unable to stay with their parents. Children may be removed from the home because of abuse or neglect or the parent is unavailable or unable to meet the neeeds of their child. While children are in foster care, support and assistance is given to parents to make their homes safe places to which the children can return. Most children who are placed in foster care are successfully reunited with their families.

Juvenile Justice: Chapter 938

The purposes of providing service to juveniles (10-17 years of age) who have violated the law are many. All intentions of Chapter 938 are weighted equally and consist of:
  • Protecting citizens from Juvenile crime
  • Hold juveniles accountable for illegal acts
  • Provide individual assessments to prevent further delinquent behavior through the development of competency
  • To provide due process
  • To divert juveniles from the juvenile justice system through early intervention
  • To respond to juvenile offenders needs for care and treatment
  • To protect the rights of victims and witnesses of the delinquent act

Kinship Care

Kinship Care is a financial program designed to help support a child who resides outside of his/her own home, either temporarily or long-term with a relative. A relative who is determined to be eligible for Kinship is granted a monthly payment of $300.00/per related child. To receive an application to determine eligibility, contact the Access Worker at (715) 537-5691.

Respite Care

Respite Care is short term care, usually only a few days at a time, provided for children who have significant needs. These may include developmental delays, mental health or behavioral issues, and special health care needs. Respite Care provides a needed break to parents and care givers. Payment for Respite Care is considered taxable income.