Birth to 3
The Wisconsin Birth - 3 - Program is a program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities. The goal of the program is to help children overcome developmental delays that have been identified early to increase skills and abilities to allow children to be active participants in their communities. The Birth - 3 Program is "family centered" and recognizes the importance of parents, family and friends in a young child's life. The early intervention team will provide ideas and techniques to help a family enrich development.
Who is eligible for Birth-3 Early Intervention services?
- Children ages birth to 36 months may be screened for eligibility in the Birth - 3 program.
- Eligibility is based on a diagnosed disability or significant delay in one or more areas of development.
- Services and supports a child and family receive are based on individual needs.
- Eligibility is not affected by family income, however, there may be a parental payment fee that will be applied to the costs of services.
What does the Birth - 3 program offer?
- All services will be provided in the child's natural environments (home, day care, relative home, etc.), not in a medical therapy facility.
- Family Education
- Developmental Education Services
- Communication Services
- Related Health Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
For more information on the Birth - 3 Early Intervention Program you may follow the State link below or contact Barron County Department of Health & Human Services directly at 715-537-5691.
state link: