County Board of Supervisors
The people of Barron County are represented by 29 elected Supervisors from the 29 Districts within the County. Members are elected to a 2-year term at the April election held in even-numbered years on a non-partisan basis. County Boards are a legislative body and make policy decisions through resolutions, ordinances and other actions. Barron County operates under the Administrative form of governance with the County Administrator responsible for the day to day operations and the various committees reviewing and recommending resolutions and ordinances to the full County Board for ratification.
General Powers of the Board:
- Establish policy
- Manage, operate, sell, buy and maintain County-owned property
- Enact ordinances as authorized by statute
- Approve the annual budget and tax levy each year and delegate the use of revenues for County government costs
- Transfer funds during the year and borrow by bond issues, or other means, for construction of facilities and County needs deemed necessary and not otherwise provided in the annual budget
- Examine and settle all accounts of the County and all claims, demands or causes against the County
- Have an annual audit made of all County accounts, books and records
- Join with the State, other counties or municipalities in a cooperative arrangement as provided in Section 66.30 of the Wisconsin Statutes
The County Board Chair, Vice-Chair and 2nd Vice-Chair are elected by the Board at the organizational meeting in April of even numbered years. The County Board Chair presides over meetings of the County Board and the Executive Committee and is responsible for expediting all measures passed by the Board. The County Board Chair also represents the County Board on a local, state and national level.
Individual Contact Information for County Board Supervisors
How do I become a County Board Supervisor?
Election Information for Candidates for the Barron County Board of Supervisors
The brochure above has a variety of information for potential candidates residing in Barron County for the upcoming 2022 Spring Election. If you have any additional questions, or would like assistance filing out the necessary paperwork, please contact the County Clerk's Office at 715-537-6200 and we would be happy to assist you.
Who is my County Board Supervisor?
The County Board of Supervisors typically meet on the third Monday of the month, with a varying start time, in the Auditorium located at the Government Center in Barron. To access the date and time of County Board meetings, visit the link below.
County Board of Supervisors 2024 Meeting Dates
Visit the Link Below to View Previous County Board Meetings.
Barron County Meetings YouTube Channel
All of the Barron County Board of Supervisors agendas, packets and minutes are posted to the Barron County website for the public to view. All Barron County committee agendas, packets and minutes are also posted to the calendar found on the Barron County website.
County Board Meeting Agendas, Packets & Minutes
The County Clerk's Office maintains all of the County Board proceedings. Resolutions and ordinances from 2009-present are located at the link below. To access resolutions and ordinances prior to 2009, please visit the Barron County Clerk's Office located on the 2nd floor of the Government Center to view the County Board proceedings books.
Proceedings of the County Board - Resolutions & Ordinances
The Barron County Board has adopted a set of rules by which it conducts County Board affairs. Visit the link below to access the County Board Rules & By-Laws.
The County Board developed a Strategic Plan for the County in 2020. Information in listed below.
Barron County Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Barron County Strategic Plan Updates
The County Board must hold an annual meeting in November, mainly to adopt the annual County budget. County government relies on property taxes, state-shared taxes and a variety of state and federal aids to finance County government activities. Visit the link below to access the current and previous County budget and financial statements.
Annual County Budget and Financial Statements