Child Protective Services
Wisconsin's Law Defines Abuse As:
Physical Abuse- Physical injury inflicted on a child by other than accidental means. Physical injury includes, but is not limited to, lacerations, fractured bones, internal injuries, severe or frequent bruising, or great bodily harm.
Sexual Abuse- Sexual intercourse or sexual touching of a child, sexual exploitation, forced viewing of sexual activity, or permitting, allowing, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution.
Emotional Damage- Harm to a child's psychological or intellectual functioning that is exhibited by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or aggression. Emotional Damage may be demonstrated by observable changes in behavior, emotional response or learning, which are incompatible with the child's age or stage of development.
Neglect- When a parent... or caretaker...fails, refuses or is unable, for reasons other than poverty, to provide the necessary care, food, clothing, medical, or dental care so as to seriously endanger the physical health of the child.
Information that is helpful at the time of making a report: Explain what is happening or happened to the child. Describing, in as much detail as possible, the nature of the abuse or neglect. First hand information or direct knowledge is the best source of reporting abuse/neglect. Information defined-Name of child; date of birth of child; name of mother/father of child; school attendance of child; special needs.