Coordinated Services Team Initiative (CST)
The Coordinated Services Team initiative is a grant funded project. CST of Barron County strives to keep children and families with multiple needs in their communities (home, school, and work) through the establishment of a comprehensive, coordinated, community-based system of care centered on the child and family.
CST Core Values
- Family centered.
- Consumer involvement.
- Builds on natural supports.
- Strength-based.
- Collaboration.
- Gender/Age/Culturally responsive.
- Outcomes oriented.
Who We Serve
Barron County families experiencing the following challenges:
- Child is at risk of being placed out of home/in an institution
- Family would benefit from services that keep the family intact or support reunification
- Other interventions have not been successful over time
- Family is willing to be involved in the CST approach
- Child/Family is or has been involved in at least two of the following direct services: alcohol and drug abuse services, mental health, child protective services, juvenile justice, probation and parole, or special education
Referrals to participate in this initiative may be made on behalf of the family by schools, healthcare providers, community member or the family themselves. Due to limited funding referrals will be screened and served based on a prioritization scale. Referrals forms can be located under the resources link on this page.
Opportunities to Donate
Consider supporting local youth and families by making a monetary or gift card donation to the CST Incentives Fund. Proceeds go directly to helping youth and families involved in the initiative. Most commonly, donations will be utilized to motivate and reward those youth and families when they reach their goals in the areas of education, employment, home, and community. Funds may also be utilized to assist families with emergency needs that arise and to encourage healthy and positive family interactions.
If you wish to make a contribution to the CST Program, please click the donate link below and select “Coordinated Services Team Initiative - CST” as your payment type.
You may also contact Children's Services Program Manager, Mary Olsen by email at to make a donation.
Other Resources: