
Note: By law this office may not give legal advice or fill in forms.  This guideline is provided as a public service and is not intended to be legal advice.
TO PETITION FOR CONSERVATORSHIP of an adult individual, please complete and file the following with the Register in Probate office:

FORMS:  If you are unable to open the linked forms below, you may also access these forms in PDF format at:

GN – 3350 Petition for Appointment of Conservator
GN – 3360 Order for Hearing Petition for Appointment of Conservator*
GN – 3370 Consent to Serve as Conservator

  • *Upon filing the Petition for Appointment of Conservator, the Register in Probate will schedule a hearing. The Court will indicate who gets notice and the manner of giving notice on the Order for Hearing.   To view Wisconsin Statutes, visit the following website:


The following forms must be brought to the court hearing:

GN – 3120 Affidavit of Service (if notice was ordered by the Court)
GN – 3380 Order on Petition for Appointment of Conservator
GN – 3390 Letters of Conservatorship


  • If a Conservator is appointed, you and the Conservator must stop by the Register in Probate office to obtain a copy of the Guideline for Conservator and other important resources.
  • Certified copies of Letters of Conservatorship are $4.00 each.    If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the Register in Probate office at the address or phone number indicated above.
  • If a Conservator is appointed, an inventory is due 60 days after appointment.  A statutory inventory filing fee is due when the inventory is filed.  The fee is .2% of the assets or a minimum of $20.00 if the assets are under $50,000.00.  See sec. 814.66, Wis. Stats.
  • The Wisconsin Guardianship Support Center operated by the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources may be contacted by telephone at 1 (855)-409-9410 or by e-mail at   You may also visit their website at: for information and resources.

(Barron County Conservatorship Guideline 10/15)