Child Care Assistance

What is Child Care Assistance?

The Child Care Subsidy Program, Wisconsin Shares, assists low-income families to pay for childcare services.

How to apply: 

o    Complete an online application via

o    Call the Great Rivers Call Center at 888-283-0012 to complete an application by telephone

o    Schedule a face-to-face appointment by calling Great Rivers Call Center at 888-283-0012

o    Complete a paper application.  Request an application be mailed to you by calling the Great 

       Rivers Call Center at 888-283-0012

*** It is important that you start your application as soon as possible. This will be the filing date of your benefits. The filing date is the date the agency receives your name, address, and signature electronically, by telephone, or by paper form.  You will have 30 days to complete the full application. ***


Eligibility Guidelines:

Childcare and Youngstar Information:


To report changes to cases, check benefits, process eligibility, complete reviews, etc. contact the Great Rivers Call Center at:

Phone: 1-888-283-0012
8:00 a.m. -  4:00 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) 
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Wednesday)
Changes can also be reported online via