Medical and Related Programs


BadgerCare is a health care program. It helps low-income children, pregnant people, and adults in Wisconsin.

For more information visit the BadgerCare page on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website.

Family Planning Only Services (FPOS)

The Family Planning Only Services Program provides low to no-cost sexual and reproductive health care for people with limited income to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Benefits include contraceptive services and supplies, tests and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases, and routine preventive services related to family planning. 

For more information visit the Department of Health Services website or complete an online application.

Medical Assistance

Wisconsin's Medicaid for the Elderly, Blind, or Disabled (EBD) provides healthcare coverage and long-term care services and supports to financially limited Wisconsin resident who are aged (65 or over), blind or disabled and live in the community. 

For More Information visit the Medicaid page on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website. 

Family Care

Family Care is a comprehensive and flexible long-term care service system, which strives to foster people’s independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support.

For more information and/or to apply visit the Family Care page of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website.

Caretaker Supplement (CTS)

Wisconsin Caretaker Supplement (CTS) is a cash benefit available to parents who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. Caretaker Supplement is not a Medicaid benefit; it pays cash only to eligible parents.

For more information and/or to apply visit the Caretaker Supplement page of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website.

How to apply: 

o    Complete an online application via

o    Call the Great Rivers Call Center at 888-283-0012 to complete an application by telephone

o    Schedule a face-to-face appointment by calling Great Rivers Call Center at 888-283-0012

o    Complete a paper application.  Request an application be mailed to you by calling the Great 

       Rivers Call Center at 888-283-0012

*** It is important that you start your application as soon as possible. This will be the filing date of your benefits. The filing date is the date the agency receives your name, address, and signature electronically, by telephone, or by paper form.  You will have 30 days to complete the full application. ***

Other Important Contacts

Member Services:  800-362-3002

Member Services can assist with the following: 

  • Premiums
  • Covered services and copayments
  • Health insurance premium payments
  • Find a provider
  • Replace your ForwardHealth card


HMO Enrollment Specialist: 800-291-2002


HMO Ombudsman: 800-760-0001


SeniorCare 800-657-2038 or 711 (TTY)* if you:

  • Want to apply for SeniorCare
  • Have questions about your application
  • Need to report a change or
  • Have questions about your SeniorCare card


Medical Transportation

Non-emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) is coordinated by Department of Health Services’ NEMT manager, Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM Inc.). As the NEMT manager, MTM Inc. arranges and pays for rides to covered Medicaid services for members who have no other way to receive a ride. Rides can include ambulance, SMV or common carrier transportation depending on a member’s medical and transportation needs.

The NEMT manager does not coordinate transportation for the following members:

  • Members who are residing in a nursing home.
    • Members residing in a nursing home have their NEMT services coordinated by the nursing home.
  • Members who are enrolled in Family Care. 
    • Members enrolled in Family Care receive NEMT services from the Family Care Managed Care Organization (MCO).

Call MTM Inc. to arrange these services at 1-866-907-1493

Note: Individuals receiving the rides need to be on Medical Assistance in order to qualify for these services.